Sunday, May 26, 2024

Angry Cricket Coach

 Still making little progress with Dylan's story.  I'm so tantalized by this AI technology but it's frustrating.  Here are a couple of recent experiments.

Cricket is one of those sports that seems to develop the gluteal musculature admirably.

...and with a throbbing red backside.  His stoic expression shows he's used to it.  He's probably in a minimum security prison for minor white-collar offenders.  Each corrider has 10-15 cells under the supervision of several counselors.  Thrice-weekly counseling sessions include a "therapeutic" over the knee hand spanking, simply as a regular attitude adjustment-this is considered part of the sentence.  Disciplinary matters such as swearing, failure to address guards and counselors as "sir", or an unmade bed, are dealt with by a paddling, and the rare serious matter, such as possession of contraband, is met with the strap.