Saturday, January 28, 2012

Recycling Man Strikes Again!

The fur is going to fly if his roommate fails to recycle properly...or...I don't know, captions are hard.  A big hairy dude is gonna get spanked by a smaller cute guy who obviously enjoys it.  I just used the recycling symbol because it comes with Photoshop.  I was really thinking of some kind of University seal, this might be the Ass't Football coach or something.  Or the football team's math tutor:  beautiful beefy butts blissfully busted by brainy bastard.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Marital Bliss

A successful relationship means sharing equal responsibility. Holding each other responsible means everything that needs to get done, gets done.
"Sorry, baby, but it was your turn to take out the trash. Five licks."
"Five! Our contract says three."
"What’d you give me last time?"
"Well...five..." "Six." "Well there was a fish in it." "Who decided there's a stink bonus? Now are you going to pull those shorts down or do I have to pull 'em down for you?

Anybody tried this?  I'm not sure it would work; both parties would probably skip chores just to get paddled.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

a bit abstract...

Not directly spank-related, except that I'd spank this guy:
Just fooling around with a different style.

Monday, January 2, 2012

College Tutor

A retro post for the new year.  I'm inspired by C.E.Leyendecker and his friend and protege, Norman Rockwell.  Unfortunately this is unlikely to be on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post, but I can imagine some 1950s guys getting a laugh out of it.

Happy New Year to all.  Several of you suggested a paddle for this cartoon but I wanted to keep it playful and I wanted the tutor to feel that tender bottom under his bare hand.  Also he's getting spanked several times a day so it doesn't have to be that hard.  I'm for moderate but frequent spankings for college age guys; what we're going for isn't agony but an odd, hot, and tingly discomfort ending in a fidgety feeling a few minutes later...  A really severe spanking teaches the lesson that he doesn't want a repeat, and that's not the lesson I want to teach--I want him to come back for more!