Monday, February 27, 2017

A Poker Date, and a Docile Athlete

Our cop uses his skills to defuse an angry situation.

Or should I say, a sticky situation...

Let me count the ways...

If it doesn't sting, you won't learn.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I certainly hope they're not going to leave things to luck: that arrogant black jock needs to be put in his place, which he doesnt even seem to know when over the knee, so matbe he an be set up to be caught (alone) for illegal gambling and spanked duly-soundly by both cop (on the spot, harshly) and assistant coach (in front of the team, elaborately) for that?!
    On the other hand, the charming, courteous, respectful, well-educated, dotingly-submissive jock deserves a reward, say learning how to be on the non-receiving end, so maybe the bad brat's father can delegate to him keeping the nasty knave in line by putting him over the knee to be hand-spanked 'in loco parentis' before every team session and paddling him after every remark from coach, on top of the official punishment by the assistant?
